Monday, December 08, 2008

Teachers, those of the regular classroom, don't-have-to-search-for-a-job-every-day type, take note; these are words no sub wants to hear you utter. "Oh, by the way, one of my Crayfish escaped. If you happen to see it sometime today, would you just pick it up and put it back in the tank?" If you say these words to me, you'd better hope some student doesn't come across with some drawn butter, or your little friend is history. I had just such an interaction today, and thankfully didn't have any moments that looked like an out-take from a Steve Carrell movie. If I had......believe me, it wouldn't have been pretty. As you might well imagine, that was one of the more interesting moments in my history as a sub.

1 comment:

Teresa Gunderson said...

The thought of you searching for a crayfish with a lobster bib on, tiny fork in one hand and ramekin of drawn butter in the other, fills me with glee.
