First of all, yes, I
did pull the plug on my Facebook page. Call me crotchety, but as much as has been going on in my life lately, finding the time to do everything that all my friends want me to be part of online is just, well, expendable, as concerns go. It was fun, and unlike my first foray into "social networking," it didn't require me to tell off every skank in creation. But lately, I've also had a noticable drop in sub-call volume, and while it may be just a coincidence, I mean, yes, things really are
that bad in Michigan, even in the field of education, but at this point, I can ill afford content I can't control; my life is out of control enough. Anyway, if I'm gonna have a student find me online, I'd rather it not be something I was ashamed of, or that I'd have to explain; same for employers, or potential employers. I know they all have people surreptitiously watching over such things, school districts have an image to uphold, the last thing I wanna do is be the one to push one of them into spin-control mode because I hadn't looked at my Facebook page in a while. God, I
must be getting conservative. I mean, I'm convinced that one guy making the news for this long, pretty much for only setting his underwear on fire, while he happened to be wearing them, is simply inane. Perhaps it's just that conditioned idea of being in control of
how I'm noticed, (and that's important to me,) but I still like this better, even if people do think I'm boring.

The woman pictured above is my Aunt Frances, who passed away recently at the age of 94. That's what I call getting the most out of life. Fran was as close as anyone in my family ever came to a grandma, and she was my dad's oldest sister. Her homes were a magnet for warm memories, places where she cooked and cared incessantly, unselfishly, and with everything in her being. She was also a nurse, a wife, and made of the kind of strong which has almost ceased to be in this day and age. Needless to say, she is, and will always be, missed. Even if she probably would hate me for putting up a picture of her. Much love to her, as the kids would say.
I spent yesterday working as a "Community Assistant" at one of my high schools. Basically, it means I was patrolling the halls all day, vigilant for students having passes, and going where they were said they were. Apart from a few who chose to be belligerent, mostly it was a good day, although my legs were burning-kinda-sore by 4:00. Gotta give it up to the people who do that job for a living; they delve into the seriously un-pretty shows of behavior, in the name of me being able to do the job I do regularly. Props to every single one of them, no matter what district they work in.

Finally, I did have some of my newer artwork on display on my Facebook page, stuff that I liked enough to migrate it here. Make what you will of it, I like it. There are others I like, but I've gotta locate a few of them first. It can be a challenge, believe me.
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