There are those whiny, tree-hugger types I despise, who think that all forms of motor racing are inherently evil, hyper-consumptive, and should be banned from the universe. First of all, alcohol fuels have been a racing staple for at least the last fifty years; say what you will about some of these fuels, and their contribution to pollution, minimally, they've done little to impact the fossil fuel supply as we know it. Of course, caring about the fossil fuel supply presumes that you're actually going to
use some of it, which runs counter to your own whole line of thinking anyway. So shut up. At any rate, behold the next big thing(s) from Porsche, probably considered by many to be one of the ultimate enemies of the "Green Revolution;" The 918 Spyder (pictured below,) Porsche's first full hybrid road sports car.......(which should also effectively end the argument against hybrids that they're all boring, and counter-intuitive to sportiness of any kind.)
....and the 911GT3R Hybrid, the first Porsche racing hybrid vehicle ever. If this doesn't stop your whining about the impact of racing on the environment, nothing will, and you should probably find some other blog to be interested in, like the Tree Hugger Times. Make your own blog, say what you will about me and Porsche. I'll stand my ground anyway.

Finally, for the science teachers out there. Ask yourselves about the physics involved in the picture below; how much velocity could it possibly take to get what is presumably 18-to-25,000 pounds of vehicle airborne, even if not by more than a foot or so. This has to qualify as one of the modern marvels of humanity in anyone's book.

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