In other news, I went last night to see the last night of the 15th annual Exhibition of Art by Michigan Prisoners. I was truly moved, believe me. It was a shame to think that some of the hands and minds that created such fantastic art (and believe me, I'm not exaagerating at all,) will never know their freedom. It was one of those things as a teacher that made me pray to God the students I come into contact with will make the right choices in life. Anything else is simply a waste. For more info about the exhibit, (although it's over for this year,) check out the link below.
This link is one of the prisoner-artists talking about his life, and the way being in the show changed him as a person.
The nice thing, really, was that all the art was for sale, at relatively reasonable prices. And if there was ever a place to pick up a piece that might be a gem someday, this'd be it. It also inspired me creatively, and made me realize that no matter how bad things are, they could always be worse; MUCH worse.

A little Technicolor fantasy never hurt anyone, no? Hollywood made a living out of the idea for ages. Support the arts. Support education. And keep in mind the consequences of not doing so.
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