Saturday, July 21, 2012

This is primarily for the benefit of my many new Twitter followers. In 2006, I did what I considered to be a totally sanctioned, emotional and intellectual Swan Dive when I went to teach English as a Second Language in South Korea, after seven years of being a mechanic. Building a future out of faith, and almost thin air. It's almost magical. I thank the presence of mind of my wife, and salute one of my Twitter followers (she knows who she is,) because they were there with me every step of the way. Thank you. And now I realize that almost any creative effort, no matter who you are, or what your situation is, is the same variety of Swan Dive; it is an attempt to literally create a financial, emotional and intellectual reality, out of NOTHING! If you have never done this before, you have no concept of how hard it is, or how much energy it takes. It can be draining, life-sucking and utterly dispiriting. It can also be your raison-d'etre, and usually is. So I salute you, all of you. I feel your pain, I know what your going through, and I know how your work, your magnum opus, whatever form it may take, is like having a child. You put just as much in, and you hope to get just as much out. You do it for love, and pride and money, and because it is what your soul is made of. And it's okay, really. Don't ever give up; make your dream your reality, no matter how much it takes out of you. And to borrow from AC/DC, for those about to rock, I salute you.

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