Friday, May 18, 2007

Okay, perhaps things are in fact changing to some extent. Today, among special-needs youth all over Washtenaw County, was a very exciting day; it was Fun Run Day, held at one of the area Metroparks. I imagine it truly was a blast, particularly for those capable of moving under their own power, all the way along the three-mile course. Even the students confined to wheelchairs, including the young man I was assigned to, enjoyed being out in the breeze and fresh air, even if they couldn't fully express it. In it's manner, it still wasn't competitive, equitable, if you happened to be the one needing to push or guide one of these youngsters, or even what you'd call satisfying at the end of the day, if you're of a normal mind-set. But the truth is, it made the kids happy, got them some exercise, and gave newbies like me a chance to network a bit, and see all the kids that you've known up until now, and the teachers, too, and have, a considerably positive day just hanging out. In the meantime, I got two attempts to contact me from the automated system in one of the other districts; I'm starting to hate that da*ned thing, I can never make it work. But getting the work doesn't seem to be an issue, which is a real positive for a substitute in May. Knowing the areas where your greatest success has come is the positive I have always claimed it was; a couple Advil will cover anything else I may be feeling. I still consider myself lucky that my daughters, say what you might, are as wonderful as they are. Funny how first impressions never tend to be quite what they seem with me.


Anonymous said...

You said, "Funny how first impressions never tend to be quite what they seem with me"

:) True.

Anonymous said...

You write very well.